DFS Selects FREQUENTIS for Remote Tower System
DFS goes with Frequentis
RTS – Remote Tower System
- ACR is supporting RTS and other infrastructure innovations within ATM/ANS that can bring effectiveness to airports and their customers
- RTS will have an impact in the market. We believe that the RTS concept has advantages as back up for larger Airports in Europe
- We are still convinced, that the ”classical “TWR/ATC operations in the TWR environment is the most cost effective solution today and that further streamlining and better use of capacity can be made with maintained safety in the air. A streamlined organisation will stand strong in the face of increasing competition
– To meet the challenges of new technical operational solutions is with existing personnel in the towers to be more cost effective and to develop the possibilities for increased capacity utilisation. This can entail more cross border duties at the Airports. We believe that European ATCO´s and Trade Unions have to create more modern collective agreements to meet future challenges. The ATC markets will undergo changes in the future, says Wilhelm Wohlfahrt.
– ACR is the most cost effective Air Navigation Service Provider in Europe. We deliver air traffic services at 12 regional airports in Sweden today and is 107 employees, 98 are operative air traffic controllers/assistants. This makes us competitive today and for the future, says Wilhelm Wohlfahrt.